Documentation for Developers

Documentation to seamlessly integrate Flixmate in your web applications and extensions

Installation and Usage

Download flixmate-1.1.0.min.js file and include it in your webpage or extension.

<script src="flixmate-1.1.0.min.js"></script>

Wait for script initialization and add a download request.

                const FlixmateClient = Flixmate.default;

                const flixmate = new FlixmateClient({
                    addonId: 'xxxxxxx', // Unique extension or web service ID
                    addonName: 'Video Downloader', // Extension or web service name
                    addonVersion: '1.0.0', // Extension or web service version

                if (flixmate.isSupported) {
                    // Try for a connection to Flixmate service

                flixmate.onConnected(async () => {
                    // Merge audio and video streams and output as MP4
                    const download = await flixmate.downloads.add({
                        quality: '720p',
                        videoUrl: '',
                        audioUrl: '',
                        length: 127,
                        startTime: null,
                        endTime: null,
                        format: 'mp4',
                        title: 'Video title',
                        thumbnailUrl: '',

                // Watch for changes on active downloads
                flixmate.downloads.onChange((changes) => {
                    const { items } = changes;

                    Object.keys(items).forEach((downloadId) => {
                        const {
                        } = items[downloadId];

                        console.log({ state, progress, size, errorMessage });



Initializes an instance of Flixmate. options requires the following properties.

  • addonId: String Unique ID of the web application or the extension
  • addonName: String Name of the web application or the extension
  • addonVersion: String Version of the web application or the extension

isSupported: Boolean

Flixmate instance property, Use to check if Flixmate is supported in user's OS.

isConnected: Boolean

Flixmate instance property, Use to check if Flixmate is connected to the desktop service.

static setDebugLevel(level): void

Used to set logging level. Possible values for level are debug, info, warning or error.

connect(): void

Try to connect to Flixmate desktop service.

disconnect(): void

Disconnect from Flixmate desktop service.

info(): Promise<FlixmateInfo>

Returns information about Flixmate service. FlixmateInfo has following properties.

  • name: String Name of the service
  • version: String Current version of the service

onConnected(listener): void

Event fired on successful connection with the service. listener is a callback function executed on connection.

onDisconnected(listener): void

Event fired when the service is disconnected. listener is a callback function executed on connection.

onExceptionCaught(listener): void

Event fired whenever an error or exception occurs. listener is callback function that takes an argument which has the following properties.

  • message?: String Error message
  • stack?: String Error stack trace

downloads.add(request): Promise<Download>

Adds a new download request to the queue and returns the item details. request required the following properties.

  • quality: String Resolution of the download or bitrate in case of audio download. Possible values are 128kbps, 256kbps, 320kbps, 480p, 720p, 1080p, 1440p, 2160p, 4320p
  • videoUrl: String | null URL of the video stream, Can be null in case of an audio download
  • audioUrl: String | null URL of the audio stream, Can be null in case of a video conversion only
  • length: Number Duration of the download in seconds
  • startTime: Number | null Start time of the output stream used for trimming, null means start time is 0
  • endTime: Number | null End time of the output stream used for trimming, null means up to the end
  • format: String Output format of the download. Possible values are mp3, mp4, mkv, flv, avi, 3gp
  • title: String Title of the download
  • thumbnailUrl: String Image URL used for album art

Returned value Download has following properties.

  • id: String A unique ID assigned to the download
  • title: String Title of the download
  • format: String Output format of the download. Possible values are mp3, mp4, mkv, flv, avi, 3gp
  • quality: String Resolution of the download or bitrate in case of audio download. Possible values are 128kbps, 256kbps, 320kbps, 480p, 720p, 1080p, 1440p, 2160p, 4320p
  • state: String Current state of the download. Possible values are queued, downloading, paused, processing, completed, canceled, error
  • progress: Number | null Download or conversion progress, null in case of an inactive download
  • size: Number | null Size of the download in bytes, null in case of inactive download
  • createdAt: Number Timestamp when the download was added
  • errorMessage: String | null Error message if the download or conversion fails

downloads.get(limit, offset): Promise<DownloadsList>

Get list of downloads from the service. limit and offset can to used to limit the number of returned items. DownloadsList has the following properties.

  • items: { [downloadId: String]: Download } An object containing Download items with download id as key of the download
  • start: Number Starting index of the downloads list
  • end: Number Ending index of the downloads list
  • total: Number Total number of downloads

downloads.pause(id): Promise<ActionStatus>

Pause an active download using the download id. ActionStatus has the following properties.

  • error: Boolean The action was successful or not
  • message?: String Error message in case the action failed

downloads.resume(id): Promise<ActionStatus>

Resume a paused download using the download id. ActionStatus has the following properties.

  • error: Boolean The action was successful or not
  • message?: String Error message in case the action failed

downloads.cancel(id): Promise<ActionStatus>

Cancel an active or queued download using the download id. ActionStatus has the following properties.

  • error: Boolean The action was successful or not
  • message?: String Error message in case the action failed

downloads.delete(id): Promise<ActionStatus>

Delete a downloaded file using the download id. ActionStatus has the following properties.

  • error: Boolean The action was successful or not
  • message?: String Error message in case the action failed Promise<ActionStatus>

Play a downloaded item using the download id. ActionStatus has the following properties.

  • error: Boolean The action was successful or not
  • message?: String Error message in case the action failed

downloads.clear(): Promise<ActionStatus>

Clear all the downloaded items. ActionStatus has the following properties.

  • error: Boolean The action was successful or not
  • message?: String Error message in case the action failed

downloads.showFolder(): Promise<ActionStatus>

Open the downloads folder in a new explorer window. ActionStatus has the following properties.

  • error: Boolean The action was successful or not
  • message?: String Error message in case the action failed

onAdded(listener): void

Event fired when a new download is added to the queue. listener is callback function that takes a Download item as argument.

onChanged(listener): void

Event fired when a download item changes i.e. state, progress. listener is callback function that takes an argument which has the following properties.

  • items?: { [downloadId: String]: ChangeInfo } Download items with their changes. ChangeInfo has the following properties.
    • state?: String Current state of the download. Possible values are queued, downloading, paused, processing, completed, canceled, error
    • progress?: Number Download or conversion progress
    • size?: Number Size of the download in bytes
    • errorMessage?: String Error message in case the download fails

Click on Flixmate.exe to install flixmate.